SERVICIOS AUTOSOLVE S.A.C. Versión de Odoo 11.0
Información sobre SERVICIOS AUTOSOLVE S.A.C. instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.
Aplicaciones instalados
- Odoo User Login Security
- Secure your Odoo from Intruders with User Login Security
- Product Stock History by Locations/Warehouses
- Check for stock history on locations/warehouses with easy interface
- Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,BOM, Pricelist, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer.
- Easy to import all odoo data i.e Invoice, Sale, Inventory, Purchase,Payment, Picking, Product and Customer.
- Iniciativas, oportunidades, actividades
- Export Product Image Zip
- Export multipal product or product variants image in zip file or send to selected partners, export product image, product image zip, image zip, export image, send image
- Gestión de inventario
- Inventario, Logística, Almacenes
- Fabricación
- Órdenes de fabricación, listas de materiales, rutas de producción
- All in one Dynamic Financial Reports v11
- General Ledger Trial Balance Ageing Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Cash Flow Dynamic
- Xlsx support on Dynamic Financial Reports v11
- Xlsx Support module for dynamic reports for odoo v11.
- Gestión de ventas
- Presupuesto, pedidos de venta, facturación
- Credit Limit
- Customer payment credit limit
- Debates
- Conversaciones, listas de correo, noticias
- Gestión de facturas
- Enviar facturas y gestionar pagos
- Contabilidad y finanzas
- Contabilidad financiera y analítica
- Multiple Invoice Payment
- Pay multiple invoice using payment screen with any user defined amount same like v7,8
- Constructor del sitio web
- Construya su sitio web corporativo
- Comercio electrónico
- Venda sus productos en línea
- Gestión de compras
- Pedidos de compra, recibos, facturas de proveedor
- Directorio de Empleados
- Puestos de trabajo, departamentos, datos de empleados
- Control de gastos
- Validación de gastos, facturación
- Account Financial Reports
- OCA Financial Reports
- Import Chart of Accounts from CSV or Excel File
- This apps helps to import chart of accounts using CSV or Excel file
- Tableros
- Crea tu tablero personalizado
- Directorio de contactos
- Clientes, proveedores, empresas,...
- Periodos Fiscales En Movimientos Contables
- NC Document usuarios
- Este modulo primente agrega en el formulario usuario un nuevo campo para el documento.
- NC Fields invoice ocultos
- Todos los derechos reservador 2019.
- NC Inventario
- Agregar Nuevos campos (Stock.location) .
- NC Estado de cuenta clientes perú
- Modulo encargado de Analizar,detallar los estados de cuentas deudoras de los clientes.
- Cobro Especial Perú
- Cobro Especial para las cotizaciones
- NC Cotizacion Tipo 2
- Generar Cotizaciones especiales
- NC Modulos de despachos
- EL modulo de despacho permite crear los productos de los pedidos en bulto ,ademas se podra realizar depachos de distintos pedidos.
- NC Modulos de despachos
- EL modulo de despacho permite crear los productos de los pedidos en bulto ,ademas se podra realizar depachos de distintos pedidos.
- NC Modulos de Lineas de documento
- EL modulo permite realizar alteraciones en las lineas de pedido.
- NC editar menus
- Este modulo permite editar rectificativas ventas por nota de creditos en el menu de facturacion.
- NC editar menu de Contabilidad
- Este modulo crea una nueva categoria en el menu de Contabilidad para cobranza
- Motivo de Cancelacion
- Motivo de Cancelacion
- Hide Cost Price and Sale Price of product
- Hide product cost price and sale price
- Product Multi Image Import
- Kanak Infosystems LLP.
- Sale Discount on Total Amount
- Discount on Total in Sale and Invoice With Discount Limit and Approval
- Security User Roles
- The tool to combine users in roles and to simplify security group assigning
- All in One Mobile Barcode Scanner
- invoice mobile barcode scanner, bom mobile barcode scanner app, stock adjustment barcode scan, sales mobile barcode scanner, product mobile barcode scanner, inventory mobile qrcode app, invoice mobile qrcode scanner, purchase barcode/qrcode module
- All In One Barcode Scanner-Advance
- Do your time-wasting in sales, purchases, invoices, inventory, bill of material, scrap operations by manual product selection? So here are the solutions these modules useful do quick operations of sales, purchases, invoicing and inventory, bill of material, scrap using the barcode scanner. Multi barcode feature allows you to assign multi barcodes on the product. You no need to select a product and do one by one. scan it and you do! So be very quick in all operations of odoo and cheers! All In One Barcode Scanner - Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, BOM, Scrap Odoo. Operations Of Sales, Purchase Using Barcode, Invoice Using Barcode ,Inventory Using Barcode, Bill Of Material Using Barcode, Scrap Using Barcode Module, Sales Barcode Scanner,Purchase Barcode Scanner, Invoice Barcode Scanner, Inventory Barcode Scanner,Bom Barcode Scanner Odoo. Barcode Scanner App,Package All in one barcode scanner, Operations Of Sales, Purchase In Barcode Module, Invoice In Barcode, Inventory In Barcode, Bom In Barcode, Scrap Using Barcode,Sales Barcode Scanner,Purchase Barcode Scanner, Invoice Barcode Scanner, Inventory Barcode Scanner,Bom Barcode Scanner, Single Product Multi Barcode Odoo. All In One Barcode Scanner-Advance 多合一条形码扫描仪-高级 Scanner de codes-barres tout-en-un All-in-One-Barcode-Scanner-Fortschritt Scanner di codici a barre All-in-Advance Todo en uno escáner de código de barras avanzado Tudo em um Barcode Scanner-Advance
- Import Images From Zip File
- This module will help you to import the bulk of images from a zip file. If you have many images and you want to update that all on one shot so our module will help you to archive that very easily. you just need to manage all image files in one zip and need to select that zip and import it, it will auto-update all images. this module will be useful to update image for the product, customer/vendor/contact and employes. you can import images by name, reference, barcode and IDS depends on partner, product and employee. Import Bulk of Images from zip Odoo. feature of import images from zip odoo, module for put icons or pics from zip , from zip import photographs . mass photos app, change pictures module, update images. Import Images From Zip File 从Zip文件导入图像 Importer des images depuis un fichier Zip Importieren Sie Bilder aus der Zip-Datei Importa immagini da file zip Importar imágenes desde un archivo zip Importar imagens do arquivo zip
- Popup Message
- This module is useful to crate custom message/pop up wizard. You can create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard by the few line of code.
- Auto Parts Base
- Auto Parts Base Odoo, Auto Parts And Variants Management, Manage Auto Parts & Variants App, Find High Quality Auto Parts, Handle Auto Parts By Make, Model, Year, Type, Find Vehicle Details Module Odoo.
- Product QR Code Generator
- Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator Odoo.
- Odoo WooCommerce Connector
- Integrate WooCommerce features and operations from Odoo
- Calendario
- Calendario personal y compartido
- Presentaciones
- Compartir y publicar vídeos, presentaciones y documentos
- Gestión de flotas
- Vehículo, arrendamiento, seguros, costes